Helping with Relief Efforts After Hurricane Ian – Zip Top

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“An opportunity to volunteer and perform a service for families in need.”

Helping with Relief Efforts After Hurricane Ian

This past weekend, Zip Top held our bi-annual company retreat. It was a time to have fun, but it was also an opportunity to volunteer and perform a service for families in need.

This year, Zip Top partnered up with the Austin Disaster Relief Network (ADRN) to send relief bins to those who were impacted by Hurricane Ian. The bins included pillows, blankets, toiletries and personal care items. Some of our team met in Austin to shop for supplies and pack the bins before dropping them off at ADRN.

shopping for supplies
Shopping for supplies 
Packing the relief bins
Packing the relief bins
writing notes of encouragement
Adding notes of encouragement
Donation Drop-off
Donation Dropoff

After we dropped off the bins, the rest of the weekend was spent hiking, eating, bowling, then eating some more. (Shout out to our colleague Melissa, aka, Strike Vixen who bowled FIVE strikes in a row!)

hiking with the some of the team
Some of the crew went for a hike at Mt. Lakeway

We are so grateful for the time we got to spend together, but most importantly, for the chance to help people in need. We’re looking forward to our next retreat and already thinking of other ways to give back. ‘Til next time, y’all!

If you would like to help those affected by Hurricane Ian, click here to donate. 
